We face currently the 4th week of the Division season and accoring to the fact, that we got our first division season running here on CoD1Mania, we need to be flexible if its comes to the rules that we agreed in the first place.
Of Course – and this is like every other competition that we have – we got rules, that every team need to follow. Even then, if teams or players dont understand why we got specific rules. If its in the rules – its the rules. Simpel as that.
To give you a better experience, we agree to change rules, if its necessary.
Old Rule:
- Every Division match of the current week needs to be play within the current week
New Rule:
- Every Division match of the current week can be played till monday, 23:59:59 of the next week.
We hope, you got less problems to find a suitable date with your opponent, with one day extra.