Hello Com!
We got a lot of cases, scenarios or topics, that need to be tracked and discussed. Therefore we installed a ticket system.
It makes easier for you and for us to follow up urgently needed decisions in some cases – on a transparency, fair and neutral platform. The ticket system can be found after you log in at the menu. It’s possible to give statements about a case, upload attachments and discuss with the admins about it as well. Every ticket gets an #ID and easily findable afterwards. Also you will be informed via e-mail if you get a new message at the ticket. On the top, every ticket can be exported to .csv and be saved.
So please use the ticket system for:
- If you open a dispute in the Ladder, Division or Cups
- If you got a CoD1Mania related topic that needs to be offical discussed with admins
- If you know about a rules violation from anyone on the platform (we will handle these secretly)
We hope, it makes everything easier in the future for you and for us.