Hi buddy,
Can’t you use your Call of Duty 1 server? Don’t you know any CoD1 RCON commands? Then we’ve created this article for you!
Rcon Login
Task | Syntax | Description |
Login to rcon | /rconpassword password | It’s better to store your rcon password in a game browser and not login through the console. |
General Commands & Variables
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task | Syntax | Description |
Change server name | sv_hostname “[name]” | Change the server name, remember to enclose the name with quotes. |
Set a server password | g_password” [password] | Sets the password needed to join the server, to clear the password and make the server public use g_password “”. |
Change rcon password | rconpassword [password] | Allows you to change the rcon password. Once changed you will need to login with the new rcon password. |
Change Map | map [name] | Changes to that map. Use the proper map name, ie. mp_brecourt. /rcon map mp_brecourt |
Map restart | map_restart | Restarts round. Any gametype and round limit setting changes will take effect. |
Map rotate | map_rotate | Loads the next map in the map rotation (if specified). |
Friendly fire | setfriendlyfire [0/1/2] | Friendly fire off (0), on (1) or reflect damage (2). |
Draw friend | setdrawfriend [0/1] | Draw icons above teammates. |
Force respawn | scr_forcerespawn [0/1] | Force players to respawn, TDM and DM only. |
Killcam | setkillcam [0/1] | Killcam off (0), on (1) |
Freelook | scr_freelook [0/1] | Freelook off (0), on (1) |
Spectate enemy | scr_spectateenemy [0/1] | Spectate enemy off (0), on (1) |
Team balance | scr_teambalance [0/1] | Force team balance off (0), on (1) |
Gametype | g_gametype [tdm/sd/etc] | Sets gametype. Requires a map_restart to take effect. |
Message of the day | scr_motd “[text]” | Sets the message of the day text. /n = line break, but does not work. |
Allow voting | g_allowvote [0/1] scr_allowvote [0/1] | Allow voting. Both variables must be set to 1 to allow voting. |
Status | status | Gives the status of all players on the server, including client id. |
Private message a player by client # | tell [client #] [message] | Sends a private message to specified player. |
Gravity | g_gravity [value] | Controls gravity for players. Lower = less, default 800. |
Speed | g_speed [value] | Controls speed of movement for players. Higher = faster, default 190. |
Chat via the console | say [message] | Messages are shown in game preceded by console: |
Kill the server | quit | Kills the server. |
Kick and Ban Commands
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task | Syntax | Description |
Kick player by name | kick [name] | Kick player by name. It’s better to use clientkick and kick by client id. |
Kick player by client # | clientkick [#] | Kick player by client number. |
Ban player by name | banUser [name] | Bans a user by their ingame name. Writes their GUID to ban.txt |
Ban player by client # | banClient [#] | Bans a user by their client number. Writes their GUID to ban.txt |
Ban player by IP | g_banIPs “[ip]” | Ban player by IP address. Seperate IP addresses with spaces. This feature does not work. |
Temp ban player by name | tempBanUser [name] | Kicks and temporarily bans player by name. |
Temp ban player by client # | tempBanClient [#] | Kicks and temporarily bans player by client number. |
Set temporary ban duration | sv_kickBanTime [time] | Temporary ban duration in seconds. |
Unban player by name | unban [name] | Unban every player banned with [name]. If you want to unban a single player whose name appears more than once, you should edit “ban.txt” manually. |
PunkBuster Commands
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task | Syntax | Description |
PB player list | pb_sv_plist | List all players on the server. Includes PB client number, GUID, IP and more. |
Kick player by PB client # | pb_sv_kick [#] [time] “[public reason]” “[private reason]” | Kick player by PB client number. Time is measured in minutes. |
Ban player by PB client # | pb_sv_ban [#] “[public reason]” “[private reason]” | Ban player by PB client number. |
List bans | pb_sv_banlist | List all bans enforced by PunkBuster on that server. Each ban is numbered. |
Unban player by ban # | pb_sv_unban [#] | Unban player by ban number. Get the ban number with pb_sv_banlist |
Request screenshot by PB client # | pb_sv_getss [#] | Request a PB screenshot by PB client number. |
For a more complete guide to PB commands and settings visit Evenbalance.com. For example PB configs and a wealth of information for PB server admins visit PunksBusted.com.
Weapon Settings
To issue these with rcon from the game console they must be preceded with /rcon
Task | variable | Default value | |
Allow Artillery * | scr_allow_artillery | 1 |
0 – disable weapon 1 – enable weapon |
Allow BAR (US) | scr_allow_bar | 1 | |
Allow Bazookas * | scr_allow_bazooka | 1 | |
Allow Bren (British) | scr_allow_bren | 1 | |
Allow DP28 (Russian) * | scr_allow_dp28 | 1 | |
Allow Lee-Enfield Rifle (British) | scr_allow_enfield | 1 | |
Allow FG42 | scr_allow_fg42 | 0 | |
Allow Flamethrowers * | scr_allow_flamethrower | 1 | |
Allow Gewehr43 (German) * | scr_allow_gewehr43 | 1 | |
Allow Grenades * | scr_allow_grenades | 1 | |
Allow KAR98k Rifle (German) | scr_allow_kar98k | 1 | |
Allow KAR98k Sniper Rifle (German) | scr_allow_kar98ksniper | 1 | |
Allow M1 Carbine Rifle (US) | scr_allow_m1carbine | 1 | |
Allow M1 Garand Rifle (US) | scr_allow_m1garand | 1 | |
Allow MG30 Cal (US) * | scr_allow_mg30 | 1 | |
Allow MG34 (German) * | scr_allow_mg34 | 1 | |
Allow MP40 (German) | scr_allow_mp40 | 1 | |
Allow MP44 (German) | scr_allow_mp44 | 1 | |
Allow Nagant Rifle (Russian) | scr_allow_nagant | 1 | |
Allow Nagant Sniper Rifle (Russian) | scr_allow_nagantsniper | 1 | |
Allow Panzerfaust | scr_allow_panzerfaust | 1 | |
Allow Pistols * | scr_allow_pistols | 1 | |
Allow PPSh-41 (Russian) | scr_allow_ppsh | 1 | |
Allow Satchels * | scr_allow_satchel | 1 | |
Allow Smoke Grenades * | scr_allow_smoke | 1 | |
Allow Springfield Sniper Rifle (US) | scr_allow_springfield | 1 | |
Allow Sten (British) | scr_allow_sten | 1 | |
Allow SVT40 (Russian) * | scr_allow_svt40 | 1 | |
Allow Thompson (US) | scr_allow_thompson | 1 |
* Denotes weapons only available in Call of Duty : United Offensive
Behind Enemy Lines Settings
Variable | Default value | Description |
scr_bel_alivepointtime | 10 | Number of seconds to get a point for staying alive as allied. |
scr_bel_scorelimit | 50 | Map score limit. Set this to 0 to prevent the rotation stalling. |
scr_bel_timelimit | 30 | Map time limit, in minutes – 0 to 1440. |
Deathmatch Settings
Variable | Default value | Description |
scr_dm_scorelimit | 50 | Map score limit. Set this to 0 to prevent the rotation stalling. |
scr_dm_timelimit | 30 | Map time limit – 0 to 1440, in minutes. |
Headquarters Settings
Variable | Default value | Description |
scr_hq_timelimit | 30 | Map time limit – 0 to 1440, in minutes. |
scr_hq_scorelimit | 450 | Scorelimit per map. |
Retrieval Settings
Variable | Default value | Description |
scr_re_graceperiod | 15 | Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 – 60 in seconds. |
scr_re_roundlength | 4 | Map round length in minutes. |
scr_re_roundlimit | 0 | Max Number of round wins per map. |
scr_re_scorelimit | 10 | Map score limit. |
scr_re_showcarrier | 0 | Show the objective carrier on compass. |
scr_re_timelimit | 0 | Map time limit, in minutes – 0 to 1440. |
Search & Destroy Settings
Variable | Default value | Description |
scr_sd_graceperiod | 15 | Time at round start where spawning and weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 – 60 seconds. |
scr_sd_roundlength | 4 | Map round length in minutes. |
scr_sd_roundlimit | 0 | Max Number of round wins per map. |
scr_sd_scorelimit | 10 | Map team score limit per map. |
scr_sd_timelimit | 0 | Map time limit, in minutes – 0 to 1440. |
Team Deatchmatch Settings
Variable | Default value | Description |
scr_tdm_scorelimit | 100 | Map score limit. Set this to 0 to prevent the rotation stalling. |
scr_tdm_timelimit | 30 | Map time limit, in minutes – 0 to 1440. |
COD Map List and Available Gametypes
Map Name | DM | TDM | SD | RE | BEL | HQ |
mp_bocage | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_brecourt | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_carentan | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_chateau | X | X | X | X | X | |
mp_dawnville | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_depot | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_harbor | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_hurtgen | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_neuville | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_pavlov | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_powcamp | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_railyard | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_rocket | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_ship | X | X | X | X | X | |
mp_stalingrad | X | X | X | X | X | X |
mp_tigertown | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Source and the commands are from: http://profbako.uw.hu/leiras/cod+uo_console.htm