
Dear CoD1 players,

The CoD1Mania staff would like to give opportunity to the community members to help out the CoD1Mania Team with some tasks, we are looking for people for the following positions:

  • Ladder / CUP / Division Admin: supervise the events, join to the server in spectator and help out the players during the match, e.g. server control, make sure they are using the right PAM, upload screenshot after the match etc.
  • Public server Admin: supervise the servers and stop the cheaters e.g. in case of aimbot usage etc. on the public servers
  • Social media supervisor: update the social media surfaces daily basis, upload news, pictures, share the actual events with the community
  • Shoutcaster / Streamer: shoutcast / stream the CoD1Mania events on the CoD1Mania Twitch channel

If you are interested in any positions you can apply below.

You will be in charge as an CoD1Mania admin. That means to you, you need to be always fair and neutral in any case or situation. Please be always transparent and explain your decissions. Of course you need to follow the rules in any circumstances. You will get the tools and explanation (FAQ) to do your job and get higher privileges on discord, teamspeak and the website.
Please be sure, that you write it down exactly like on discord.

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