I am happy to announce the third Call of Duty United Offensive 5v5 Search and Destroy Reborn Cup in co-operation with Cod1Mania.
Date: September 7. – October 4. 2020 Signup: sign-up channel on CoD UO Allstars discord.
Toornament cup page: https://www.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/3839803034625253376/information
Application deadline: September 6. 2020 20:00 CET
Group stage: 2 maps with mr12, predetermined maps.
Playoffs: Double elimination. Bo3 with mr12 (each team picks one map and 3rd map is selected after banphase). Every team gets to play in playoff (best placed in groups to A-playoff, rest to B-playoff).
Maplist: mp_uo_harbor, mp_uo_carentan, mp_uo_dawnville, mp_uo_depot, mp_uo_powcamp, mp_peaks, mp_cassino, mp_railyard, german_town, tigertown, neuville.
Schedule: After the registration is closed, opponents will be assigned to groups and the group matches can start. The group matches must be finished by September 20. The next days we will continue with the playoff matches followed by the finals.
If you do not have a team but you want to join the fight, apply by joining our Discord server https://discord.gg/RPV86sR
All useful information such as ruleset, registered teams, guids, news, announcements, streams and results will be communicated and uploaded on the discord channel.
If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us on Discord and for registration as well!
Gameserver hosting and technical advisory by Robin Groppe (RobinGroppe.de).
See you on the battlefield soldiers,
United Offensive Reborn Cup team
Registered teams:
- fraggedby: RnDll, king, Vinard, f!rSt, Ego, roger, vincentgula, Scud, FR4NK, tRISKAc
- lOwzZ~Clan: fronti, hottex, Quchen, buMMsyyy, Zimmer, coldiii
- Boeren power: BASSIE, Dikkemuj, Fr1tuur, Gerlo, e1kk1p, Sander
- e9 Enigma: king, PrimeEvil, Ace, Braddock, Rapidz, Megla, Sekular, Quake, Crosq
- First Recon Squad: dietchi, TjEEEBi, Hatcheriii, Jsons, SnuRk, xratEd, nanaaa, Banksy, Inv!sible
- Team Elite Gaoz: LUCKii, Skazi, Geisler, Star, Anglhz, Yakuzia, Jones