Tanker’s questionnare Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.In-game nameTeam name1. Do you still believe that CoD1 can be great again? *YesNo*In case of No answer, please specify why not: (optional) Text2. Do you want to make CoD1 great again? *YesNoIn case of No answer, please specify why not: (optional)Text3. What do you think about overall activity in the game nowadays? choosing on 1-5 scale 1-very bad 5-very good Selected Value: 0 4. If the activity is decreasing, what is the reason of the decreasing activity? *5. What can we do to increase the activity? *More competitionsVarious game modes on competitionsPrizes/awards on competitionsOtherText6. Would you participate on a competition where you should pay an entry fee, in return you could win prizes? (cash or material prize) *YesNo*In case of No answer, please specify why not: (optional)7. How to enhance the activity in ladders? *8. How to enhance the "public life" (playing on pub servers)? *Special game modesSpecial mapsNeed more players to play PUBI don't like playing pubOther ideas:Text9. What are you missing from nowadays regarding CoD1? What else can we do, to enhance the activity? *10. Any other improvement idea? *11. Any idea how to get sponsors? *Submit